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Digital Marketing Management

Overseeing Corporations and Scaling Businesses social media accounts, engagement levels, email campaigns, graphics, brand awareness, search engine optimization and more

Presented by Kamara Daughtry,
Founder of Digital Career Opportunities Worldwide LLC

Since 2016, Daughtry has helped multiple business owners and corporations with strategic digital marketing plans to meet revenue goals and increase visibility. 


She has a team of virtual assistants, digital-social media managers and copy writers to help your business get to the next level. 

We Offer Customized Plans

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Michelle Lenore, 
LinkedIn Strategist & Diversity Government Certification Teacher

Share the amazing things customers are saying about your business. Double click, or click Edit Text to make it yours.

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Clarissa Kenty, 
iCu Media and Livestream and Production Agency.

Kamara has truly taken my business to the next level. With her personal strategy for my business and brand I've seen tremendous growth in viewership and sales. Her customized plans truly works. 

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Danielle Germain,
Career Services and Social Media Management

My clients social media profiles has enhanced over 87% in engagement, meeting goals and sale expectations. I can depend and count on Kamara with integrity and honesty. 

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